Holla! I am back writing something here after a few months hiatus from blogging. Lama betul tak menulis kat sini. Actually ada je bukak blog tapi not in the mood nak buat entry so just bukak untuk baca blog-blog yang Mira follow dan baca 'jejak' korang. Thank you yang mana masih visit sini walaupun dah dekat dua bulan menyepi. Dah lama tak menulis ni, tangan pun kaku semacam je. Huhu. I do hope that i will spend more time doing blogging after this. Harapnya lah..
Here's an update. Apa yang Mira buat sepanjang dua bulan menyepi dari blog ni? Dah ketemu jodoh ke? 😏 Hahaha. Okay yang tu belum. Hrmm.. Two months ago i got a new job. Yeay! After a few attempts searching for suitable job and i finally got one. Di saat ramai yang kehilangan kerja due to pandemic Covid-19 somehow i felt blessed. Alhamdulillah 😊 So yeah! New job, new workplace, new environment and new friends. One of the reason jugak lah tak ada masa nak on blog. Ceh! Alasan. Haha. Okay fine lepas ni Mira akan sentiasa update. Semoga seketul Mira diberi ilham yang banyak untuk menulis. Hehehh~
Back to the title. So another entry for another review. Kalini punya review Mira nak cerita tentang satu anime series yang Mira baru lepas habis tengok. Baru je habis semalam and i am pretty excited to shared about this. Harap ada yang sudi baca lah celoteh Mira kalini. Haha.

Cells At Work (Hataraku Saibou)
Cells at Work (Hataraku Saibou) merupakan kisah tentang bagaimana cell di dalam badan manusia bekerja dan bagaimana cell-cell tersebut bertindak balas apabila berlaku situasi tertentu pada badan manusia contohnya apabila terdapatnya terluka, kena infection dan sebagainya. The anime is more focused on this two cells such as a rookie Red Blood Cells, a clumsy cell who often gets loss during deliveries of oxygen and nutrient to the body and White Blood Cells, who fights against germs such as bacteria, viruses, parasite and so on. All the character in this anime is important but i think the main character is more to Red Blood Cells and White Blood Cells. It has thirteen episode and one special episode.